Journeying with our neighbours through their legal burdens.
We provide legal help to our low-income neighbours. To get started, simply fill out the preliminary intake form below.
If you’d like to speak to us, please call (905) 534-1243 and a representative will assist you through the intake process.
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed.
Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.
(Proverbs 31:8-9)

More than 1,000 help inquiries addressed
We are a faith-based legal clinic.
Established in 2021, we are a group of legally trained Christians who respond to Christ’s calling to serve our fellow neighbours and communities — regardless of their faith backgrounds — who need accessible legal assistance in the following areas:
- Minor Criminal Charges
- Family Law
- Income Assistance & Old Age Security Denials
- Disputes under $35,000
- Landlord & Tenant Disputes
- Others
We also provide support to anyone who needs help with explaining legal documents or lawyer’s correspondence.
About Us in One Minute :
Dear Teresa,
Life is not easy. The world is a chaotic, and difficult place. There is a lot of suffering, and hardship.
But, I want to thank you, and despite the difficulties, and hardships in this world, it’s good to see that not everything is dark, and negative in this world.
It’s good to see, that there is a beautiful, bright, and positive hope in this world, and that there are people like yourself, who are trying to help the less fortunate, and those who are suffering.
It’s people like yourself, by helping the less fortunate, you let them know, that despite their current hardships, and difficulties they are enduring, you provide them a “ray of hope”, and that there is always faith, hope, and healing, despite their current hardships.
So, thank you, for helping me, and other people, out of the kindness of your heart, and for letting us know, that despite our current hardships in life, that there is always hope, faith, and unconditional love in this world.
我在2023年夏天經歷一場法律糾紛,曾經找過其他律師,由於自己對法律的無知,以及對律師的盲目與過分依賴,最後導致自己處於非常緊迫與被動之中,在頂著極大壓力與無盡焦慮的不眠之夜,感謝主,在主的帶領下我在Google上看到了中信法律援助中心,一行「以基督信仰主導的法律援助服務」字幕讓我突然感覺像是黑夜中看到了一線曙光,我抱著試試的態度在網站上留下我的基本信息,沒想到隔天上班就接到Teresa 律師的電話,我非常激動,當我第一次與Teresa律師見面後,我坐在車上淚流不止,我感覺我身上的擔子減輕了一半,不是因為他們給了我什麼承諾,也不是盲目認為他們會幫我扭轉局面,而是對於他們用自己的專業來傳播基督的福音的這份工作的一種無比的信任與安心,那時的我心裡是踏實的,無論最終的結果如何。
– 林女士